
March 5, 2020

Powers of Attorney in California

Many people are aware of the importance of wills and trusts in the context of Estate Planning; however, an often overlooked document is the Power of Attorney. A Power of Attorney or “POA” is especially important in the context of incapacity planning. In California, the legislature has created standard forms […]
February 28, 2020

How Should I Own My House? – Part 2

The decision as to how to title property has significant implications for estate planning. Title is the legal structure under which your property is owned and there are many benefits and drawbacks to the different options available to property owners here in California. In part one if this blog series, […]
February 19, 2020

How Should I Own My House? – Part 1

Purchasing a home, whether it be a condo, a house or a vacation property is a huge milestone for most people. While there are many things to consider in the purchase of a property, one that is sometimes overlooked is how to title the property for effective Estate Planning. Title […]
February 14, 2020

Health Care Decisions for Incapacitated Adults

In an earlier blog post, we discussed the important of drafting an Advanced Health Care Directive as part of your California Estate Plan. However, one question that has arisen in the past is what occurs if there is no health care directive in place and you believe that a loved […]