Estate Law

April 1, 2022

Charitable Giving and Your Estate Plan in California

Charitable giving is a great way to give back and can be immensely rewarding. To make charitable giving even more enticing, you can make it part of your legacy via your estate plan. If you are interested in exploring how charitable giving and your estate plan can go hand in […]
March 1, 2022

Estate Planning and Divorce in California

Divorce represents a serious transition in the life of anyone who goes through the often difficult process. What many people lose sight of along the way, however, is how intertwined estate planning and divorce can be—and often are. The legal (and emotional) complexities of divorce can divert your attention away […]
February 1, 2022

What Are The Types of Trusts in California?

There are various types of trusts that people include in their estate planning. Countless factors play a role in which type of trust or trusts someone may choose including their financial needs, tax advantages, asset protection from creditors, whether they have children, and many more. It is often difficult for […]
January 15, 2022

Estate Planning for Medical Professionals

Medical professionals encounter people who are seriously ill or on the verge of death every day. No doubt this gives physicians in all fields of medicine reason for pause about what they would want if in the same situation. Are their affairs in order, and are the children and other […]