Estate Law

January 29, 2020

Personal Benefits of A Trust

Typically, when we think of the benefits of Estate Planning, it is usually within the context of the benefits to our surviving friends, family and dependents. However, at the Kushner Legal Corporation, we remind our clients that the use of Trust-based estate plans can have a number of significant benefits […]
January 22, 2020

Estate Planning After Divorce

As recently illustrated in the hit movie “Marriage Story” even when the parties to a divorce intend to proceed amicably, often acrimony can arise and proceedings can become costly and time consuming. After the dust settles and a settlement is finalized the last thing that which people want is more […]
January 14, 2020

Estate Planning for the LGBTQ Community

Estate Planning is critical to ensure that upon your death, your assets are distributed in the manner which you desire. This is especially important within the context of the LGBTQ community where unfortunately there can still be high levels of conflict between LGBTQ individuals and their families. Additionally, significant changes […]
January 8, 2020

Benefits of Avoiding Probate

In California, one of the primary goals in many Estate plans is to avoid the need for probate. Probate can be an expensive and time-consuming process. At Kushner Legal, we typically advise our clients to use Trust-based Estate plans to avoid the need for probate. This is a significant advantage […]